Somehow, someway, you’ve stumbled across this “becoming Love” thing. Lucky you. You’re one of the first people to learn about the revolution that will bring humanity peace. You should feel special.
But, it’s a little confusing. Daunting? No, it’s not scary. Just unclear. Where do you start? You're on board with practicing patience, forgiveness, gratitude and compassion so you can become the most Loving version of yourself. You want to have good mental health and live in peace. You want to help others live in peace—other people, other species, the planet. Yes, yes, yes, check. But what's your first move?
You’re exactly where you need to be. Follow these step-by-step instructions and you will start practicing Love today:
First, you’ve gotta learn how to practice Love. In your own way, you already know; that’s why you’re here reading this. By reading my book The Practical Guide to Becoming Love, you’re going to supercharge your abilities. Trust me, this is the book you’ve been looking for. You’ve wanted to BECOME LOVE for a long time, you just weren’t sure how to put that desire into words. Let me give you the words.
(By the way, my guide is only 80 pages and it’s free to read on my website. So the “it’s too long” and “it’s too expensive” excuses don’t work.)
The Practical Guide to Becoming Love is going to introduce you to some important concepts you need to understand before you start your journey. I’m talking about things like “ego” and “old code.” The Guide is going to show you why your ego and old code are ruining your life—causing you pain and suffering. Then it’s going to teach you how to override ego and old code with Loving behaviour that makes you feel joyful and at peace.
Big stuff, I know. But don't sweat it; you're ready. Just commit to reading the 3-page introduction to The Guide by clicking here.
(You can read The Guide on my website, or you can download it to your device.)
(If you like having a book in your hands you can also buy it on Amazon.)
Step 2: Reflect on The Guide
Once you’ve finished The Guide, the second step is not to rush off and start practicing Love; it’s to simply go back about your life and reflect on what you’ve just read.
What clicked? Did you recognize your behaviour in some of the old code examples? Can you tie your old code behaviour to unenjoyable feelings you have throughout the day? Can you start to see in your daily life where you can practice patience, forgiveness, gratitude, compassion? Can you notice when you act resentfully towards that family member who keeps hurting your feelings? Can you recognize when you judge other people, and how you could instead use those other people to practice the compassionate behaviour that will make you feel better?
Trust me, once you’ve read The Guide, and been made aware that you can practice Love just like anything else you want to get better at—your life is going to change. Not immediately. But slowly and irrevocably. Allow that change to unfold naturally.
Eventually, I want you to make a decision. I want you to decide that you’re going to get serious about becoming the most Loving version of yourself. To do that, you’re going to need to start practicing Love every day as many times a day as you can. This is going to be hard work. So the decision I’m asking you to make is to decide whether you’re ready to start working hard at becoming the most patient, forgiving, grateful and compassionate version of yourself so you can finally live in peace and help others do the same.
When you’ve decided...
Okay, now I'm asking you to spend some money. But it will honestly be some of the best money you’ve ever spent. Like it’s up there with the money you spent on your bed.
The Coaching Edition is going to help you take the Love practices from The Guide and personalize them to your life. It’s going to help you identify areas of yourself you can improve, and then it’s going to help you make a plan to improve them. It’s like if you and I sat down for a week and made a personalized plan for you to BECOME LOVE. But instead of having me look over your shoulder, you can complete this personal work in private at your own pace.
Trust me, the work I’m asking you to do in The Coaching Edition is very personal and challenging. You’ll get better results doing it on your own. Of course, I’m here to support you any time you need. But ultimately, only you and you alone can personalize practicing Love to fit your busy modern life.
Since you’re ready, click here to read the 12-page introduction to The Coaching Edition to get a better understanding of what I’m talking about.
By the end of The Coaching Edition, you will have made your Become Love Training Plan (an 80-page document). And using that document, you will know exactly what you need to do every day to BECOME LOVE, and how to do it.
Plus, once you buy The Coaching Edition, that officially makes me your coach. So now you’ve got a plan and a coach. There’s no better way to start a big, joyful undertaking...
After you’ve finished The Coaching Edition you’ll be ready to start Logging your practices—and you’ll want to. I recommend buying the Become Love Log that I designed because it’ll save you the hassle of setting one up yourself. This is the Log I use every day for my own practices so I fully endorse it.
There's one in yellow, pink and blue. I switch up my colour every three months. Helps me feel like I'm making progress. As the colours change, so do I.
Your Log is going to be where you PLAN, LOG and REVIEW your practices. This reflection process is an essential element in making progress.
At this point, with The Guide, The Coaching Edition, and your Become Love Log, you have everything you need to make becoming Love the goal of your life and to make practicing Love your new lifestyle. If you want to keep forging on alone, I wish you the best of luck. I’m positive you’ll see the positive changes in your life almost immediately, and that will motivate you to keep going.
But, if you ever need 1-on-1 help, there’s an optional last step.
By now you’ve read The Guide and Coaching Edition; you’ve made your Become Love Training Plan and started your Become Love Log. You realize you’re one of the most impressive people on the planet, right? I don’t mean to give you a big head (in fact, I’m training you to have a small one), but by practicing Love you're about 100 years ahead of your time.
Sure, in 100 years everyone’s going to be practicing Love, Logging their practices, sharing them, meeting in Become Love Groups and helping humanity live in peace. But that’s 100 years from now. You’re already doing most of that 100 years before it’s cool. Seriously, look around at the way people interact with each other. Look at the anger, the injustice, the bigotry and violence. Look at the mental health crises all over the world.
And then look back at you—with your Training Plan in one hand your Log in the other—you’re working to fix all that, now, by learning to “fix” yourself of all the old code that prevents you from becoming Love. If everyone was doing what you’re doing right now—humanity would live in peace.
But right now, it’s only a few people on the planet... and you’re one of them. That makes you special.
But just because you’re special doesn’t mean you don’t also need a bit of help. If you’ve already started practicing Love but would like an outside eye to give you feedback and keep you accountable—I’m here for that. Consider me your Become Love Coach.
Having me as your Become Love Coach means we’ll meet for 30 minutes whenever you'd like to work on your Become Love Log’s PLAN pages—giving you a solid plan for the week ahead. We’ll review how your practices went last week and I can offer suggestions for how you can improve going forward. Together, we’ll devise intentional PFGC practices you can work on throughout the week. And I can help keep you accountable for any self-sabotage you’re working to stop.
Think of private Become Love Coaching like meeting up with a gym buddy to go over some techniques and to get a healthy workout in. That’s what we’ll be doing—but for your mind.
If you’d like to meet with me for private coaching, send me an email.
And there you go. When you're ready to start practicing Love, just follow these steps.
Good Love,
Alexander De Jordy
Become Love Coach
Founder, The Become Love Company