In the computer analogy, ego is an out-of-control program that runs the old code that controls your computer/mind.
In reality, ego is a desire to be separate. This can be a tough concept to understand.
There is no area of your brain labelled "ego." You won't find ego on an MRI. Ego is a desire of your mind to be separate from other people. Why? Because a very long time ago the desire to be separate from predators kept humans alive. Over time, this desire to be separate evolved from a survival instinct into a selfish instinct. Now your ego wants to be separate so you can get what other people have, or maybe get even more than they have. Ego is separateness, or in other words, out-of-control selfishness. But the cost of wanting to be separate so you can get more and more and more for yourself is suffering.
The reward for wanting everyone, including yourself, to have what they need, is feeling joyful. So how do you do this? How do you feel joyful instead of suffering?
You change the goal of your life. You BECOME LOVE instead of trying to satisfy your ego. You choose Oneness over separateness.
The opposite of separateness is Oneness, which is another word for Love. Love is Oneness.
Oneness is our natural state. Babies are closest, they have minimal ego. But then our ego grows up, wants to be separate, chases more for itself. When our ego gets hurt chasing more and more, it writes old code to respond to the emotional pain of not getting it, because no matter what, your ego will never be satisfied. This creates a cycle: The more ego chases, the more it gets hurt, the more old code it writes, the more habitual the old code responses become. Now your ego is trapped by its own old code. It’s why addicts get high. It’s why people get taken advantage of over and over. It’s why cultures fight each other for hundreds of years instead of trying to forgive. They’re stuck in old code.
To BECOME LOVE, you must learn to override old code responses. You override old code (unconscious thoughts and actions) by replacing it with new code (conscious thoughts and actions). This is how you tame your mind.
Taming your mind means: teaching your mind new code (Love) instead of following orders from old code (ego).
Sit-down meditation is how you begin taming your mind.