You must practice forgiveness every day in order to override old code and BECOME LOVE. Practice the 3 QUALITIES of forgiveness: Infinite, Immediate, Unconditional; and the 2 MODES: Towards yourself, Towards others.
Infinite forgiveness is when your forgiveness never runs out.
TOWARDS YOURSELF: You blow it with romantic partners. You don’t communicate well. You are so fed up with heartbreak you swear off relationships. This is how old code blocks Love today. Instead, the next time someone shows interest, show yourself forgiveness by remaining open and communicating to them your past mistakes. This zaps the power of old code by creating new code. Now you are less prone to repeating the mistakes.
TOWARDS OTHERS: A family member repeatedly borrows money and doesn’t pay you back. They ask for more money and you deny them. They say awful things to you and cut you out of their life. Understand that by following their old code, they are hurting themselves more than you. Forgiving them doesn’t mean lending them more money, you can forgive them by not talking bad about them at family gatherings. The practice is about you not harbouring Love blocking resentments.
Immediate forgiveness is when you can forgive in the moment, rather than holding onto resentment until you’re ready to let it go. There is no delay in expressing your forgiveness, it is immediate.
TOWARDS YOURSELF: You yell at someone while driving your car and realize you’re expressing road rage. You could beat yourself up the rest of the day, stop all practices, and then forgive yourself tomorrow. Or, you could use the moment to practice immediate forgiveness towards yourself. Say aloud, “You won that round, ego, but I forgive you for your old code.” The next practice is always in the next situation.
TOWARDS OTHERS: You pass a person on the street panhandling. They appear kind. You tell them you have no money and they instantly turn mean. Your old code will want to lash back. Instead, forgive them for their old code. Say without hostility, “I’m sorry, next time I’ll carry change.” Watch their reaction. Their old code will be starved of oxygen. When you’re practicing diligently, this is how fast you can forgive.
Unconditional forgiveness is not making excuses why you should hold onto resentments. Your forgiveness has no strings attached.
TOWARDS YOURSELF: The person you like likes someone else. You think it’s because they are more attractive. You become obsessed with your vanity. A resentment towards yourself forms, 'Until I’m perfect (condition), nobody will like me (insecurity).' To drop this self-inflicted resentment, ask yourself what you’d do if someone you loved told you the same thing. Give yourself the advice you’d give to them. Listen. Keep listening until you believe.
TOWARDS OTHERS: You and a friend get into a major fight. You both say hurtful things, but you think they went too far. You could refuse to apologize until they apologize first (condition). Or, you could pick up the phone and apologize for your part. That’s showing strength, not weak-ness, because letting go of your resentment usually gives others the strength to let go of theirs.
*Look for moments to practice forgiveness throughout your day. You can either seek out situations or people that you know will test your forgiveness, or prepare for your forgiveness to be spontaneously challenged.