Keep a Log of your daily efforts towards becoming Love. Keep the entries simple. This Log is not a place for your ego to comment on your practices, or to beat yourself up in text. This Log is simply about keeping track of what happened.
First, write the date at the top, then divide the page into sections for:
You want to document your successes, but you don’t want to judge yourself for failures. Simply acknowledge what happened.
For instance, in the SIT-DOWN MEDITATION section, write when you sat and for how many cycles. That’s it. If you didn’t sit-down meditate that day, simply write:
“Didn’t sit-down meditate today, didn’t want to, couldn’t motivate myself.”
You do not need to add judgement:
“Didn’t sit-down meditate today, I feel guilty, I’ll never be good at this, what’s wrong with me?”
Same goes for the STAND-UP MEDITATION section where you log your patience, forgiveness, gratitude and compassion practices for that day. Document when you were able to override old code with a (+) symbol, and simply acknowledge when you couldn’t with a (-) symbol. For example:
“P-: Lost patience with a coworker, patience ran out, not infinite, couldn’t override old code.”
You do not need to make judgements on what happened:
“P-: Lost patience with a coworker, I’m so stupid, I should know better.”
*See more examples of simply stating what happened in the EXAMPLE LOG (page 68).
For the REPEAT LOVE section, write down any times you repeated 'Love' to yourself for more than a few seconds. If you didn’t repeat Love at all that day, write that. Try again tomorrow.
For STOP SELF-SABOTAGE, log anything you did that prevented you from practicing Love that day, as well as any times you practiced unconscious behaviour. So if you could have sat-down meditated, but you were too tired because you were up late playing video games, then log that. Or if you decided to scroll social media instead of stand-up meditating, log that. If you got into a needless argument with someone and you don’t even know why, that was probably self-sabotage. You will have to be hard on yourself without judging yourself in this section. Be honest when you self-sabotaged, but don’t fixate on it. Just log it. Use the Log to avoid this behaviour in the future. If you were able to stop self-sabotaging behaviour, or replace it with new code healthy behaviour, log that too.
Finally, in the BECOME LOVE GROUP section, note whether you attended a group that day, either in person or online. If you didn't, just write that.
Re-read your Log every day. As the Log grows, you will start to see where you have improved, and where you can still improve, so you can put focus on those areas. For instance, if you notice you consistently hold onto resentments, make practicing immediate forgiveness a focus for the next day. If you notice you consistently self-sabotage as soon as you get home from work, prepare something healthy to do instead. Or sit-down meditate.
It doesn’t matter what form the Log takes: handwritten, typewritten, on computer or phone—whatever you feel most comfortable keeping handy.