How do you become the most patient, forgiving, grateful and compassionate version of yourself?
You read this guide.
You can learn to make all of your actions patient,
forgiving, grateful and compassionate. In other words, you can learn to BECOME LOVE.
It's not woo-woo. It's just you-you, living life, feeling joyful. It just takes practice.
This guide teaches you exactly how to practice becoming the most Loving version of yourself. Really.
No platitudes. No preaching. Just practice.
And we need you to start practicing right now:
Because the more Loving you become, the more at peace you feel, the more peaceful the planet becomes.
P.S. If you need help getting started or staying focused, consider me your Become Love Coach.

About the Writer
My name is Alexander De Jordy, and I've been obsessed for the last decade with developing a practical way to BECOME LOVE so we can all finally live in peace. And I did it. It works. I'm proof.
I went from being a moody, insensitive, depressed, practicing drug addict who couldn't spend 10 minutes alone with his thoughts—
to spending all day joyfully at peace because I learned how to control my mind by practicing patience, forgiveness, gratitude and compassion, or what I call: The 4 Practicable Actions of Love.
Now that I've sorted myself out, I'm ready to help others. I want to help you skip all the trial and error, dead-ends and hiccups that I went through so you can get right down to the work.
Here's how I can help:

The Coaching Edition
Think of The Coaching Edition like a private workshop in a book. It’s like I knocked on your door, you invited me in, and we spent the next week creating a personalized plan for you to become the most Loving version of yourself—the version of you that doesn't suffer, that feels joyful, that helps humanity live in peace.
As you work through this edition, I will prompt you to fill in The Become Love Training Plan, an 80-page workbook at the back. But this is not a workbook you fill in once and forget. This is a training plan you will revisit for the rest of your life.
The Become Love Training Plan will show you:
Who You Are Now
Who You Want to Become
How to Get From Here to There
What to Do to Get There
Why You Want to Get There